
class Ktify(clientCredentials: ClientCredentials)(source)

The main wrapper class



The client credentials for the Spotify API


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constructor(clientCredentials: ClientCredentials)


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val httpClient: HttpClient

Will be internal once the entire API is covered

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val jsonLessHttpClient: HttpClient

Will be internal once the entire API is covered

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The KtifyPlayer instance


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suspend fun Ktify.getAudioAnalysis(id: String): AudioAnalysis

Get a detailed audio analysis of a track

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suspend fun Ktify.getAudioFeatures(id: String): AudioFeatures

Fetch audio features.

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fun getClientCredentials(): ClientCredentials

Retrieve client credentials from the current Ktify instance

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suspend fun Ktify.getCurrentProfile(): CurrentUser

Get the profile of the current profile

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suspend fun Ktify.getRecommendations(seedArtists: List<Artist> = listOf(), seedGenres: List<String> = listOf(), seedTracks: List<Track> = listOf(), limit: Int? = null, market: String? = null, minAcousticness: Double? = null, maxAcousticness: Double? = null, targetAcousticness: Double? = null, minDanceability: Double? = null, maxDancability: Double? = null, targetDancability: Double? = null, minDurationMs: Int? = null, maxDurationMs: Int? = null, targetDurationMs: Int? = null, minEnergy: Double? = null, maxEnergy: Double? = null, targetEnergy: Double? = null, minInstrumentalness: Double? = null, maxInstrumentalness: Double? = null, targetInstrumentalness: Double? = null, minKey: Int? = null, maxKey: Int? = null, targetKey: Int? = null, minLiveness: Double? = null, maxLiveness: Double? = null, targetLiveness: Double? = null, minLoudness: Double? = null, maxLoudness: Double? = null, targetLoudness: Double? = null, minMode: Int? = null, maxMode: Int? = null, targetMode: Int? = null, minPopularity: Int? = null, maxPopularity: Int? = null, targetPopularity: Int? = null, minSpeechiness: Double? = null, maxSpeechiness: Double? = null, targetSpeechiness: Double? = null, minTempo: Double? = null, maxTempo: Double? = null, targetTempo: Double? = null, minTimeSignature: Int? = null, maxTimeSignature: Int? = null, targetTimeSignature: Int? = null, minValence: Double? = null, maxValence: Double? = null, targetValence: Double? = null): Recommendations

Get recommendations A minimum of one seed in either artists, genres or tracks has to be provided, a maximum of 5 in combination of all are allowed For parameter documentation. refer to Spotify Documentation

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suspend fun Ktify.getSavedTracks(market: String? = null, limit: Int? = null, offset: Int? = null): PaginationObject<SavedTrack>
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suspend fun Ktify.getSeveralAudioFeatures(ids: List<String>): List<AudioFeatures>

Fetch audio features for several tracks.

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suspend fun Ktify.getSeveralTracks(ids: List<String>, market: String? = null): TracksResponse
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suspend fun Ktify.getTrack(id: String, market: String? = null): Track
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suspend fun Ktify.getUserProfile(userId: String): PublicUser?

Get a profile of another user

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suspend fun Ktify.removeSavedTracks(ids: List<String>)

Delete tracks in the user's library. Maximum of 50 IDs, following IDs will be ignored.

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suspend fun Ktify.saveTracks(ids: List<String>)

Save tracks in the user's library. Maximum of 50 IDs, following IDs will be ignored.

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suspend fun Ktify.searchItem(types: List<ObjectType>, limit: Int = 20, offset: Int = 0, includeExternal: Boolean? = null, market: String? = null, queue: SearchQueueBuilder.() -> Unit): SearchResult

Search albums, artists, episodes, playlists, shows, tracks or users