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suspend fun addItemToQueue(episode: Episode, deviceId: String?): HttpStatusCode

Adds an episode to the user's queue

suspend fun addItemToQueue(track: Track, deviceId: String?): HttpStatusCode
suspend fun addItemToQueue(track: LinkedTrack, deviceId: String?): HttpStatusCode

Adds a track to the user's queue

suspend fun addItemToQueue(uri: String, deviceId: String? = null): HttpStatusCode

Will be internal once the whole API is covered

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suspend fun getAvailableDevices(): AvailableDevices

Get a list of the available devices

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suspend fun getCurrentPlayback(market: String? = null): CurrentPlayback?

Read the user's current playback.

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suspend fun getCurrentPlayingTrack(market: String? = null): CurrentPlayingTrack?

Get the track currently played on the user's account

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suspend fun getRecentlyPlayedTracks(limit: Int? = null, after: Long? = null, before: Int? = null): PlayHistoryCursorPagingObject?

Gets the recently played tracks of the user

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suspend fun pausePlayback(deviceId: String? = null): HttpStatusCode

Pause the user's playback

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suspend fun seekToPosition(positionMs: Int, deviceId: String? = null): HttpStatusCode

Seek to a specific position in the user's playback

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suspend fun setRepeatMode(repeatState: RepeatState, deviceId: String? = null): HttpStatusCode

Set the repeat mode of the user's player

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suspend fun setVolume(volumePercent: Int, deviceId: String? = null): HttpStatusCode

Set the volume of the user's player

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suspend fun skipToNextTrack(deviceId: String? = null): HttpStatusCode

Skip the user's playback to the next track

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suspend fun skipToPreviousTrack(deviceId: String? = null): HttpStatusCode

Skip the user's playback to the previous track

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suspend fun startPlayback(deviceId: String? = null, contextUri: String? = null, uris: List<String>? = null, offset: JsonObject? = null, positionMs: Int? = null): HttpStatusCode

Start or resume the user's playback, click here for further context

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suspend fun toggleShufflePlayback(shuffleState: Boolean, deviceId: String? = null): HttpStatusCode

Set the shuffle state of the user's player

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suspend fun transferPlayback(deviceId: String, play: Boolean = false): HttpStatusCode

Transfer playback to another device